Chris Mason: UK readies for new US presidential race

by | Jul 22, 2024 | Politics

“I thought, blimey. It turns out you don’t need to be one of Donald Trump’s megafans to think it.”It was the best part of a couple of years ago, and a senior government figure was confiding in me about listening in on a call between the then prime minister and President Biden.“All this stuff about the president being too old said by the Trump lot. I never really believed it, but then I heard him,” this person said.”He was really struggling. His mind drifting. He would have moments where he was lucid, but then things would drift off.”A year ago, I was in the Oval Office of the White House, and I would get to witness it first hand myself.The president and a prime minister half his age, Mr Sunak, sat yards away from each other and from us.President Biden was barely audible and mumbling – and managed to call Rishi Sunak “Mr President.”And yet an hour or so later, the president appeared in command at a lengthy news conference.But in recent weeks, things seem to have deteriorated.There was the disastrous presidential debate for Joe Biden against Mr Trump.And then that excruciating moment at the Nato summit in Washington.Every day in politics, people claim there has been some deeply awkward, embarrassing moment for this politician or another. Most are mildly blush inducing – and almost certainly instantly forgettable.But not this one.We had just witnessed a jaw dropper, as President Biden managed to introduce President Zelensky of Ukraine, sta …

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[mwai_chat context=”Let’s have a discussion about this article:nn“I thought, blimey. It turns out you don’t need to be one of Donald Trump’s megafans to think it.”It was the best part of a couple of years ago, and a senior government figure was confiding in me about listening in on a call between the then prime minister and President Biden.“All this stuff about the president being too old said by the Trump lot. I never really believed it, but then I heard him,” this person said.”He was really struggling. His mind drifting. He would have moments where he was lucid, but then things would drift off.”A year ago, I was in the Oval Office of the White House, and I would get to witness it first hand myself.The president and a prime minister half his age, Mr Sunak, sat yards away from each other and from us.President Biden was barely audible and mumbling – and managed to call Rishi Sunak “Mr President.”And yet an hour or so later, the president appeared in command at a lengthy news conference.But in recent weeks, things seem to have deteriorated.There was the disastrous presidential debate for Joe Biden against Mr Trump.And then that excruciating moment at the Nato summit in Washington.Every day in politics, people claim there has been some deeply awkward, embarrassing moment for this politician or another. Most are mildly blush inducing – and almost certainly instantly forgettable.But not this one.We had just witnessed a jaw dropper, as President Biden managed to introduce President Zelensky of Ukraine, sta …nnDiscussion:nn” ai_name=”RocketNews AI: ” start_sentence=”Can I tell you more about this article?” text_input_placeholder=”Type ‘Yes'”]
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