Why cross-functional collaboration is core to building user-centric AI products

by | Jul 11, 2024 | Technology

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In the race to develop cutting-edge AI experiences, enterprises are pouring resources into various models and technologies. But what does it take to create an AI product that truly meets customer needs? According to experts from Capital One, Pinterest and Slack, who all shared their respective experiences at VB Transform 2024, the key is cross-functional collaboration.

“You can do everything in AI, but very soon you’ll notice that once you are in an industrial setting and building this AI product, it takes a village to get the whole thing right,” said Deepak Agarwal, VP of engineering at Pinterest. “It requires engineering, design, product, data and even legal nowadays.”

Agarwal, who previously led AI engineering efforts at LinkedIn, emphasized that companies should approach building AI products with an AI-first mindset and establish a culture where entire teams come together to build the magical experience they want for their customers. 

AI innovation and its challenges

Traditionally, software products were built with a deterministic approach that revolved around standardized practices for development, testing and iteration. Teams had a clear-cut path to improving the quality of their applications. However, when generative AI came to the scene, the number of variables in the development lifecycle exploded, leading to a non-deterministic paradigm. 

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In the race to develop cutting-edge AI experiences, enterprises are pouring resources into various models and technologies. But what does it take to create an AI product that truly meets customer needs? According to experts from Capital One, Pinterest and Slack, who all shared their respective experiences at VB Transform 2024, the key is cross-functional collaboration.

“You can do everything in AI, but very soon you’ll notice that once you are in an industrial setting and building this AI product, it takes a village to get the whole thing right,” said Deepak Agarwal, VP of engineering at Pinterest. “It requires engineering, design, product, data and even legal nowadays.”

Agarwal, who previously led AI engineering efforts at LinkedIn, emphasized that companies should approach building AI products with an AI-first mindset and establish a culture where entire teams come together to build the magical experience they want for their customers. 

AI innovation and its challenges

Traditionally, software products were built with a deterministic approach that revolved around standardized practices for development, testing and iteration. Teams had a clear-cut path to improving the quality of their applications. However, when generative AI came to the scene, the number of variables in the development lifecycle exploded, leading to a non-deterministic paradigm. 

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In-person passes for VB Transform 2024 are now sold out! Don’t miss out—register now for exclusive on-demand access available after the conference. Learn More …nnDiscussion:nn” ai_name=”RocketNews AI: ” start_sentence=”Can I tell you more about this article?” text_input_placeholder=”Type ‘Yes'”]

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