Marriages do not always end up forever. Unfortunately, some unions fail due to various factors including incompatibility and irreconcilable differences. The reasons vary by culture, race and religion and surprisingly, the U.S. is not the country with the highest divorce case worldwide.
“Grounds for divorce differ from one country to another and by state and spouses are required to show proof,” according to Pasadena Divorce Lawyer Ted Khalaf. “The most common and acceptable reasons are domestic violence, sexual harassment, adultery, disability, imprisonment, alcoholism and desertion.”
The Demographics and Social Statistics Division of the United Nations can prove that certain nationalities have a higher tendency to get divorce compared to the others. The agency found that traditional countries are those that actually have higher divorce rates and most of these are in the European continent.
Belgium may be well known for its rich history and impressive architecture but behind that, it is a politically divided nation as reports have it. In the political arena, the country is divided into the north and south and which has badly affected Belgium’s governments.
On the personal side, the country’s divorce rate is the highest globally at 71 percent. An estimated 32,000 Belgians end their marriage each year and the increasing rate is being blamed on the decline of the Church. Acceptable grounds for divorce in Belgium include adultery, excesses, de facto separation and physical or mental abuse.
Portugal may be a Catholic country but divorce is allowed in the country. In fact, divorce has been permitted there for more than a century now.
In the initial stages after divorce was allowed, the rate was still low with a few hundreds only being recorded each year. Since then, though, the number has increased tremendously and the rate is now at 68 percent.
Hungary is following closely behind with a divorce rate of 67 percent. The country has seen its divorce cases rising for many years now while the number of cohabiting unmarried couples is quite low.
In this country, the dissolution of marriage is granted by the court based on mutual consent or if the couple can show concrete proof that their marital bond has broken down for good.
Czech Republic
This country used to have the highest divorce rate in the entire European region. At 66 percent, the Czech Republic’s rate of failed marriages remains one of the world’s highest.
In order for courts to dissolve a marriage in this nation, couples only need to prove the breakdown of their marital relationship. For couples with children, the fathers are at a disadvantage as the courts normally grant full custody of the kids to their mothers.
Despite being a Catholic country, Spain legalized divorce in 1981. Since then, the rate of people opting to end their marriage has gone up. In 2007, grounds for divorce were further relaxed resulting in a much higher rate (present rate is 61 percent). One of the major factors in the breakdown of marriages is the country’s recent financial crisis.
The Catholic religion considers the bond of marriage a sacred one but with Spaniards now practicing a modern lifestyle, the number of couples heading to the altar has dropped significantly.
Luxembourg is considered one of Europe’s smallest countries with a population of just more than 500,000. Yet its divorce rate is high at 60 percent, even higher than the U.S. People in their 40s notably between 40 and 49 are those most likely to experience a failure of marriage.
In this country, those who can get a divorce are only couples older than 21 and who have been married for at least two years. Other than divorce, the courts here also allow legal separation and annulment.