Secret Divorces Become A Hollywood Trend

by | Sep 10, 2015 | Entertainment Feature

Relationships just don’t seem to last long in Hollywood. Almost every celebrity has a long background of romantic baggage. Whether a famous couple has a prenuptial agreement or not, breaking up is a messy thing to do. With reputations and millions of dollars on the lines, divorce seems to be more of a business transaction than the end of a marriage. Divorce proceedings are difficult on a normal person, but adding in paparazzi, tabloids and every gossip magazine blasting your personal details can make it even more difficult. With a number of high-profile marriages calling it quits, celebrities are turning to more secretive and private proceedings. In fact, many of America’s favorite celebrities are rumored to be going through secret divorces at this very moment.

Cooking star, Paula Deen is no stranger to the tabloids. As she is finally clearing her name from a racism controversy, Deen is said to be quietly negotiating a divorce with longtime husband, Michael Groover. The divorce deal is rumored to be worth around $100 million. The butter-loving queen of the Southern kitchen is doing whatever she can to wrap up proceedings, even if it means signing over the couple’s 5,646-square-foot Savannah, Ga. mansion. Worth $1.3 million, the house was signed over into Michael’s name as a gift from Deen “in consideration of her natural love and affection for her husband.” Sources are saying the house is not really a gift, but is part of Deen’s strategic preemptive divorce settlement. Apparently, the Food Network star is securing her assets and trying to avoid a scandal if the couple splits. Rumors of infidelity on Michael’s part have fueled the separation flames.

As if a divorce worth $100 million doesn’t sound like enough, what about $240 million? Another celebrity couple that is said to be planning a secret divorce is Hollywood power couple Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith. While the couple continues to deny any evidence of separating, many reliable sources have the media buzzing. The rumors of a confidential settlement say the two stars are doing whatever it takes to keep their $240 million fortune safe. Another huge factor that will play into this deal is the couple’s two children. Radar Online reports that Will and Jada have “worked out a confidential settlement to protect their $240 million fortune, and prepared their kids for the fallout.” The stars are making sure to keep their kids in mind as they prepare them for the one of the most difficult situations a child can experience. Even though the settlement has been hashed out, people close to the couple say the split will not come anytime soon. After being married for 17 years, the couple has allegedly learned how to deal with the up and down moments. But, sources say, they also know that a divorce will be an inevitable outcome.

“The financial woes of a divorce and dividing such large assets would make even the most unhappy of couples hash out divorce proceedings in private,” leading Pasadena Family Attorney, Ted Khalaf explained. “Especially with children involved, it is important to make things as amicable as possible. That is easier to do behind closed doors.”

Yet another famous couple is keeping their breakup proceedings behind closed doors is NFL star, Tom Brady and wife, Gisele Bundchen. Rumors are swirling about plans of an inevitable $460 million divorce. The two have been married for six years and have two children together.

Keeping things confidential seems to be the key to a successful Hollywood divorce. One celebrity that was able to successfully pull off a secret divorce is actor, Terrence Howard. The split was only recently made public because of legal proceedings in a lawsuit case against Howard filed by his second wife Michelle Ghent. During the case’s closing arguments, it was admitted that Howard was divorced from his most recent wife, Mira Pak. It appears that divorce proceedings began in March, while Pak was pregnant with their son. The baby boy, named Qirin Love, was born in May. The couple was able to keep their separation as secret by continuing to wear wedding rings and refer to each other as husband and wife.

As breakups are inevitable in Hollywood, celebrities are quickly realizing the keys to a simple divorce. With large fortunes, children and reputations to protect, stars are keeping their divorces on the down low. We will continue to see the trend continue as divorce attorneys find better ways to cater to these specific situations.