Before the advent of programmatic ad buying, salespeople and human ad buyers bought and sold digital ads, which was not only unreliable but expensive. Programmatic advertising or marketing technology guarantees to make the whole process of ad buying more efficient.
Programmatic ad buying will hence become cheaper through eliminating humans from the buying process wherever that is possible. Human beings become ill, require some time to sleep and they even report for duty while suffering from hang-over. Machines are never going to do that.
As programmatic marketing or advertising becomes a more widespread methodology of securing the banner ad inventory in a firm, both sellers and buyers are now looking to applying the same technology to the most valuable inventory item: digital video.
Does It Replace The Human Input?
The drive for cross-platform video ad buying, especially bridging between TV and digital video is in high gear. Technology is now being employed in replacing a number of menial tasks historically handled by humans. Such tasks include dispatching insertion orders to the publishing houses and handling ad tags; although humans still need to have the campaigns optimised as well as do the strategy planning.
Probably what programmatic technology will mean is that there will be lesser ad buyers globally allowing both sellers and marketers to have more time spent in the planning of highly customised and well crafted campaigns rather than get bogged down by too much bureaucracy.
Is It Similar To Real Time Bidding?
Real-time bidding or RTB is ideally a form of programmatic ad buying, although it cannot be said to be the only form.
What Does Programmatic Video Ad Buying Promise?
Buyers of programmatic video have very lofty expectations. The buyer wants to see rich and exact audience digital insights along with all the possible advantages of TV ad buying. These include guarantees on the inventory, best placements of ads and environments that are brand-safe.
However, the leading attraction of programmatic video ad buying is probably the promise to eliminate the lines that currently exist between diverse screens; thus making it possible for buyers to target and reach across several electronic devices through one transaction. As of now, that is only possible between mobile and desktop. Here lies the promise: linking all video and buying—mobile, desktop and TV.
What Is The Future Of Programmatic Ad Buying?
While it may not be possible to precisely point out what portion of advertising is now being traded programmatically; what is sure is that it is rising. A number of agencies indicate that they are keen to buy through programmatic channels, as much as they possibly could. Several major brands have even gone ahead to create in-house teams that deal with their programmatic ad buying.
Final Verdict
Currently, programmatic video marketing is still in the early stages. That is however changing quickly as buyers continue to increasingly turn to this method so as to attain greater audience insights and the sellers get more comfortable to provide their premium inventory through the same medium. However, there is still a long journey ahead before real and tangible cross-screen ad buying across digital platforms and TV becomes a widely used reality.