Common Mistakes That Even Professional Website Developers Make

by | Nov 2, 2015 | Technology Featured

The software and website developers constantly work hard in order to meet event and launch dates. The stress associated with the amount of work that is done can easily lead towards silly mistakes. Negligence is rare with professional website developers Sydney but you never know what can happen. That is why we need to be sure that you always focus on the following common mistakes.

Simple Passwords

One of the most ridiculous of all the ways in which you could get hacked is to use really simple passwords. There are developers that will use a simple, generic password for various sites. There is also the same password that is normally used for various site functions. If there is a person that tries to guess passwords or use brute force, there is a huge possibility that they will manage to do this. When a password is guessed, it will be used for other parts of the site. If the same combination is used, it is a certainty that this would lead towards huge problems.

Lack Of Testing

Due to the really tight schedules, pressure appears. That would lead towards larger projects being released or put live without adequate testing. It is something that you have to avoid at all costs. Unfortunately, the sites that go live without testing are usually not working properly.

Some businessmen do not want testing to be done because of the fact that this brings in higher costs. What most do not realize is that when problems exist and a site is launched, fixing them would be much more expensive than doing so during the development phase. Testing is highly important to discover all vulnerabilities and bugs that may appear.

Using Copy-Paste Coding

There are so many codes that are available for free online. In an attempt to save time, developers can copy and then past various scripts, including slideshow carousels, menus, sharing tools and so on. Whenever there is a flaw that is discovered in one of the codes, all the sites that use the same code can be discovered and taken advantage of by hackers. The dishonest individuals only need to use Google Search to find all the sites that use those scripts. Whenever copied script is utilized, developers need to perform independent testing in order to be sure that there is no exploitable vulnerability.

Heavy Coding

The very best coders out there can easily use 20 code lines to write around 100 code lines. A professional will be able to easily remove all the things that are not needed and compress the code used. It is not difficult to minify JavaScript, CSS and HTML codes. Such a process is known as minification, which directly refers to removing the redundant or unnecessary data while having the same responses.

Although there are many other mistakes that can be highlighted, those above are definitely a good place to start. Make sure that you always perform codes alone, whenever that is possible. Address the problems that were mentioned and you will surely make a good decision.