Regulated Swedish Gaming Companies are Increasing Their Revenues Online

by | Apr 4, 2016 | Business Feature

For the first time since 2012, the regulated Swedish gaming market is increasing its revenues, and the main reason is the online gaming. In 2015, the regulated Swedish gaming market had a gross turnover of 45.6 billion SEK, which is an increase of almost 690 million SEK since the year before.

The raise in the revenues from online gaming in 2015 was 7% compared to 2014, with gaming companies without a Swedish license having a turnover of 4.4 million SEK while gaming companies with a Swedish license had 3.6 million SEK in revenues. Even though the customers of the Swedish licensed companies were spending less on gaming, the raise in revenues from the previous year was higher at 8% compared to 6% for gaming companies without a Swedish license.

The most important Swedish gaming companies

Svenska Spel, the state owned gaming company, is the largest market player in gaming in Sweden. Their turnover in 2015 was 7.8 billion SEK plus 1 178 million SEK from the land based casinos Casino Cosmopol. The types of games that were increasing in popularity last year was betting and scratch cards, while online poker and the slot machine “Jack Vegas” became less popular.

ATG is another large actor on the Swedish gaming market, and in 2015 their turnover was 3.8 billion SEK (a 2% increase). 1.8 billion SEK of this amount came from online gaming (a 10% increase from 2014).

Other types of gaming in Sweden are different kind of lotteries, where Folkspel increased their turnover with an impressive 20%. The popular Postkodlotteriet lowered their turnover with 1% while both traditional Bingo and Local and regional lotteries were less popular in 2015 than the previous year. Also restaurant casinos has seen a decrease in their turnover.

The gaming habits of Swedish households

In total a normal Swedish household spend 2.4% of the income on gaming with companies that has a Swedish license. This equals 5 822 SEK per person. The loss from gaming in a year is 2 133 SEK per person including the winnings while the loss is less at 477 SEK per person from companies without a Swedish gaming license.