Is It Worth It to Have a Smart Car If You Know It Can Be Hacked?

by | Jul 25, 2016 | Technology Featured

The technology of tomorrow is here today, and it is incredible. We have self-driving cars, delivery drones, 3D printers, and more that are changing our very way of life. But does it come at a cost? Long have there been discussions about whether or not it is wise to allow technology to become so much a part of our lives. Technology is one popular method that criminals use to gain access to other people’s possessions and even their identities.

Take, for example, your bank account. Your job directly deposits your income into your bank account, and you know you have a certain amount of money in there. It’s not actual “hard money”; there’s no cash in your hand. But you know that money is yours because of a few numbers on a screen. However, what if someone were to gain access to your bank account and clean you out? Would it be better to play it safe and keep all your money in cash so that you could really keep it safe? Most of us would agree that keeping your money in a bank account is perfectly safe, and while there are criminals that would try to gain access, you shouldn’t worry about it.

How does this apply to cars? Vehicles used to be built only with mechanical parts. Nowadays, modern cars are packed with features and options that allow you to be completely connected to your car. From the driver’s seat, you can place a hands free phone call as your phone automatically connects to the car’s computer. You can turn on a GPS map and see the traffic, use your back-up camera to back up, or press a button to have your car parallel park for you. You don’t even need to worry about locking your car; just walk away and the car will sense the growing distance between itself and the keys and will lock itself. The features of smart cars are designed to make our lives easier and better. But do they pose a risk?

Put simply, a skilled hacker can gain complete access to your car simply by finding its IP address. A criminal can manipulate your vehicle and even control the brakes, engine, transmission, and entire computer system with very limited information, even from a distance. Your car’s connection to the internet makes it vulnerable through gaps in its armor. Even major automobile companies and the government have noticed the potential for security threats.

The technology of tomorrow is here today, and it is incredible. But does it come at a cost? Equally incredible are the risks with how criminals can take control, even hacking your smart car. Despite these risks, vehicles manufacturers probably won’t stop making smart cars. Their features are considered too valuable and too useful. (You were never very good at parallel parking on your own, anyway.) Does that mean you should buy a smart car? That, of course, is up to you to decide if it is worth it. More than likely, most drivers will continue to buy smart cars. Just know that if you have a smart car, be cautious: you may be vulnerable to hackers. To protect yourself, always keep a reliable towing company’s information in your mobile phone in case you get into trouble. They will be your backup and will come right away to help you if you find yourself in a difficult situation.