‘Glitters’, ‘extravagance’, ‘money power’ etc are some of the most appropriate words to best describe the historic deal to take place for an iconic, sprawling PlayBoy mansion.
Yes, what is regarded to be the ‘biggest of all deals’ for Los Angeles County, has seen Hugh Hufner selling it for $100 million to 33 years old Daren Metropoulos whose billionaire father C.Dean Metropoulos is also a private entity tycoon.
Yes, it was a complete show of the money power at its best as the deal for a historic mansion which has been in the limelight for all the wrong reasons seems to see its switching tale with its sale.
Any news gains curiosity for people if there is ‘money’ or ‘power’ is involved and here it involves both. Yes, we have seen this financially strong deal with a renowned powerful personality involved as well.
This curious deal gets interesting as well as 90 year old Hefner will be living in this iconic house till his last breath. Unconfirmed reports say that Playboy Enterprises will be paying a total of $1 million on annual basis as rent.
The deals is rightly involving those antique, pristine, exotic and state of the art statues, arcade games and gargoyles.
The real estate firm had originally kept its price at $200 million.
So what all do you expect in the mansion?
The mansion is spread over a sprawling 20,000 square feet which include 29 rooms including four bedroom guesthouses, kitchen with a separate house of games. There is equally natural beauty worth being adored with landscape grounds, huge lawns and massive gardens along with tennis curt, rotto, swimming pool simply makes the mansion coveted, pricelessm and valuable.
The ‘now’ new owner has already bought the adjacent property which he purchased in 2009 from Hefer for $18 million as well.
He is actually looking to include the whole area into one by creating a 7.3 acre compound purely for his personal use.
A change for the better
The aforesaid mansion was once used to be a party place, with so much of glitter, girls, wine and frequent parties where business men were entertained.
The deal is enough to raise the price of the properties and this deal has given an indication for the potential buyers and sellers what to expect in the real estate market.
What all to expect in the coming days
With the dawn of a new day, the mansion is expected to be renovated and beautified with the adjacent propety as all the eyes now rests on the new owner Daren Metropoulos. The coming days will open an interesting tale about what Daren is going to do with. Since, the world will closely watching every single move undertaken by the owner.
The deal has rightly gives the new found popularity for Daren Metropoulos who has understandly got much needed fame with such a big dealing, quite new to this part of the world.
We wish him all the success for having a bright future ahead.