FIS Group Founder Tina Byles Williams

by | Sep 5, 2016 | Business Feature

Tina Blyles Williams a Leading Woman and Minority Investment Management Firm Owner

Ms. Tina Byles Williams is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Director, and Chairman of Investment Committee at FIS Group, Inc. In addition, she is part of the firms Portfolio Construction. Ms. Byles Williams has roughly 25 years of speculation experience and a 13 year residency with FIS Group. Ms. Byles Williams administers all manager searches, and investment strategy at FIS. Ms. Byles Williams is known for her acumen in the field of identifying and investing with talented entrepreneurial investment management firms.  Before founding the FIS Group, Ms. Byles Williams was a principal and senior consultant with the investment consulting firm WHP, Inc.

Tina Byles Williams – Career History

As an African-American female business person with strong business administration skills, in 1996 she established FIS Funds Management Inc., and Fiduciary Investment Solutions Inc., which later became the  FIS Group. Before establishing FIS Group, Ms. Byles Williams was a Principal and Senior Consultant at WHP, Inc. Before joining WHP in 1994, Ms. Byles Williams served as the Chief Investment Officer of the $2.5 billion City of Philadelphia Board of Pensions and Retirement. While at the Board, the Philadelphia Pension Fund had an annualized execution of more than 15 %, and saved more than $1 million in charges paid to budgetary administration suppliers by streamlining the venture administration functions.  In addition, she increased the amount managed by minority firms by over 300 percent.

Prior to the City of Philadelphia, Ms. Byles Williams was the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) for the $300 million Philadelphia Gas Works Pension Fund.  During her tenure, she developed one of the earliest minority manager “farm-team” programs in the United States.

Her tenure includes work as a Financial Analyst at the Prudential Insurance Company, the New York City Finance Department and for U.S. Senator Don Reigle in his role as a senior member of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee.

Awards and Board Memberships

Ms. Byles Williams is a Director, Member of Bylaws and Policy Committee, Member of Technology Steering Committee of Commonwealth, Member of Corporate Governance Committee, Member of Finance Committee, and Member of Personnel Committee of Pennsylvania Public School Employees Retirement System.

She is a beneficiary of the Thurgood Marshall Award for Excellence in Business.  In addition, she sits on a several boards, including the State of Pennsylvania’s $50 billion Public Schools Employees’ Retirement System and the Methodist Home for Children Foundation. She has addressed on various exploration points identified with benefits venture and has affirmed for the ERISA Advisory Commission. She has spoken at the Institute for Chartered Financial Analyst meetings and has addressed the Institute of Fiduciary Education’s Annual Trustee Education Seminars at Yale University.

She is a previous Board Member of the National Association of Securities Professionals (“NASP”) and is the previous Chairperson of the Annual Pension Conference supported by NASP. Ms. Byles Williams was enlisted into the New York City NASP Wall Street Hall of Fame in February 2007 and is the 2008 beneficiary of the NASP Maynard Jackson Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

Ms. Williams is a board member of ICMA Retirement Corporation. She also Chairs the Research Committee and is a board member of the National Women’s Business Council, a federal advisory council created to be an independent advisory counsel to the President, Congress and the U.S. Small Business Administration on economic issues of importance to female business owners and entrepreneurs.


Ms. Byles Williams is the chairman and driving force behind FIS Group’s philanthropic entity, A Good Measure Foundation, which provides financial literacy education to inner city youth and supports programs designed to empower impoverished or marginalized women or children in the United States and internationally.


Ms. Byles Williams finished her undergrad work at New York University where she graduated Magna Cum Laude.  Later, she completed her Master’s degree in Public Policy with an accentuation in Finance from Harvard University.

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