There is so much competition out there in the marketplace these days that if your customers aren’t completely satisfied with the online service they receive from your company, it’s a sure bet that they’ll migrate to one of your rivals. Here are a few ways to improve the service that you offer your clients that will keep them coming back to you time and time again.
1. Open additional lines of communication
It’s so frustrating when you can’t use your preferred method of communication to get in touch with a seller. Some people like to email while others prefer social channels or talking on the phone.
A really easy way to shift focus to customer service is to open multiple lines of communication across different platforms to accommodate your whole audience. Remember to add your telephone number and address to your website and feature your Twitter name in your email signature. Most importantly of all, make sure there’s a human being at the end of all your communication channels.
There’s nothing more off-putting for a customer than to receive no response to an email or voicemail message, so although it sounds basic, make sure you respond to every incoming customer communication.
2. Nurture and empower your audience
Customers don’t always want to talk to anyone – often for the fear of getting the ‘hard-sell’ – and instead prefer to work things out for themselves. Provide your visitors with helpful content on your website, and back this up with targeted campaigns based on their usage and what product or service they display the most interest in. Include white papers, newsletters and the like with helpful links to other relevant information.
Retargeting serves ads to everyone who visits your site but leaves without converting. Modify this by adjusting your ad’s message to promote your latest item of helpful content or providing more information about the particular element or product on your website that prospects may have bounced from.
3. Refer complementary products
Few businesses can provide all of the industry services needed to make them all-inclusive, and sometimes your product won’t be the perfect fit for every one of your customers or prospects. Rather than just leaving the customer disappointed and back to square one in their search for the perfect product, refer them to another service which better fits their needs.
This may mean referring them to one of your competitors through back-linking to their website, which isn’t as crazy as it first sounds. In the first place, your customer will appreciate you helping them by giving them the benefit of your industry knowledge and expertise even though there’s no sale in it for you and secondly, your competitor may well reciprocate the favour in the future.
In conclusion
The most powerful and robust online businesses are built on a firm foundation of customer service and this is gained through building trust and confidence in you and your business. Use these tactics to improve your customer experience and grow your reputation and brand the right way.