Having an accident at work is a difficult experience to go through and you can be left feeling unsure about the best course of action to progress with. Firstly, you need to address your injury and find the best possible care solution to limit the long-term impact of the accident and the injury that has been caused. There are then a number of steps you can take to deal with a workplace accident to ensure you have addressed the impact of your injury, worked with your employer to prevent all future accidents and looked into any compensation you might be due. If you have suffered an accident at work and need more information about compensation that you might be due, contact an accident claims helpline. They will help with logging and claiming for the impact of your accident. Below we’ve listed out the key steps you should take if you’ve have an accident at work.
Record the incident
Once you’ve ensured you’ve dealt with the impact of your injury with medical experts, you will be able to start dealing with the practical side of dealing with an accident you had at work. First you need to record your accident, including the place of the accident, a description of what happened and the injury that you suffered. Every business should have an accident book, which serves as a log for accidents that occur on work premises, which should be used by the risk assessment or health & safety officer in the business to make amends to the work place if they are the scene of accidents.
Know your rights
Once you have recorded your accident you need to be clear about your rights, such as sick pay or accident pay. If your company has a HR department they should be able to advise you and coordinate the process for your of applying for benefits you are entitled to after your accident.
Keep a track of the process
Every employer has an obligation to report serious injury, or death through an accident at work to the HSENI – Health and Safety department within your local authority. While it is the responsibility of your employer to make the report, if it’s you that was involved in the accident it’s usually a good idea to check the report has been processed.
Claim compensation
If you’ve suffered an accident at work, you could be entitled to compensation if you feel the employer is at fault, and holds the responsibility for the cause of your accident. You must claim within three years of the date on your injury and you will need representation from a lawyer. By law, your employer must have insurance which will cover them in the event of a claim. If the documentation with their insurance details are not clear at work, they must be given to you as quickly as possible once asked for them.
If you have an accident in the workplace, your employer needs to report it to HSENI and you should make sure you record and log any injury. Most companies have a dedicated recording system, whether it’s a book or a computer stored file, and will have a process in place for dealing with accidents at their premises. Also, be sure to check your contract or written statement of employment for information about sick or accident pay.