Your First Steps in Day Trading

by | Sep 22, 2019 | Stock Market News Featured


Day trading is a fast paced stock market strategy that millions of Americans benefit from every day, some even make a career for themselves on the market!

Slide One:

Day trading is the practice of buying and selling stocks throughout the trading day rather than limiting yourself to a few long-term acquisitions per day or week. Day trading requires a keen eye for price movements and an even faster trigger finger when it comes to moving on a position.

Slide Two: Learning the Ropes

Learning how to day trade can seem like a daunting task. It’s no picnic, but with a dedication to research and the will to flip through a series of beginner guides you will be well on your way to developing a rudimental day trading strategy for beginners. This is your first stop on the way to expansive financial success playing the markets.

Slide Three: Start Eyeing Lucrative Stocks

Day traders often emerge from typical trading backgrounds. If you have thought about trying your hand at the mobile game rather than static buying and holding then you likely have a knack for picking stocks already. Before you begin moving money, start paying attention to the routine moves of your favorites throughout the day.

Slide Four: Consider Your Trading Circle

It’s never a bad idea to get advice from your friends and family. Talking to friends already in the business of day trading can help reduce your learning curve significantly. The tech savvy day trading novice might even consider tools to create a free survey to send out to your address book.

Slide Five: Begin with Small Trades to Build Your Confidence

Beginning with smaller volume trades is the best way to dip your toes into pattern day trading. This is a fast paced world, so taking your time to get acquainted with the new rules is critical to seeing increasing successes as you progress. Sticking with smaller investment numbers and maintaining just a few different shares at first will help ease you into it.

Slide Six: Maintain Your Fundamentals

The most important thing to remember when diving into day trading is to remember your fundamentals. It is more crucial than ever to maintain good margins across sectors and competing stocks. Because your money is moving at such a fast clip, you need to maintain strategic trading practices while also ramping up your research and trading pace.

Final Slide:

Day trading is a fascinating opportunity for those looking to up their stock game this year. Experienced traders will find that day trading presents a whole new set of rules and challenges that both increase profits and make trading fun and exciting again. But remember, maintaining sound trading fundamentals has always been king of the market, so don’t lose your head when you graduate to the big leagues.