Challenger Motor Freight Outlines How the Freight Industry is Encouraging a Safety-Oriented Mindset Within Drivers

by | Sep 13, 2024 | Business Feature

Long-haul trucking is a noble profession, providing large numbers of Michiganders with decent, good-paying jobs that deliver a necessary service. The most recent statistics indicate that more than 50,000 people are employed as long-haul and freight drivers in the Great Lakes State, with the average salary for these positions resting somewhere between $55,000 and $65,000.

It is also a profession with deep roots in the state. For over a century, Michigan’s fabled industrial base has made the commercial transportation sector a vital part of the economy, with drivers spending countless work hours each year hauling auto parts, industrial machinery, and a wealth of other products to and from factories, warehouses, and ports. This contributes substantially to the state’s GDP, with billions of dollars of goods being shuttled through Michigan during any given 12-month period.

But it can be a dangerous job. In Michigan alone, there are thousands of trucking-related accidents each year, with over 100 fatalities reported annually. The state’s extraordinarily high volume of traffic combined with its notoriously unpredictable weather conditions can sometimes make it a much more perilous journey for big rig and semi drivers than other parts of the country.

That’s why in recent years, the transportation industry has engaged in a large-scale campaign promoting a safety-oriented mindset within long-haul and freight drivers –  especially ones who often find themselves in Michigan. Emblematic of this effort is Challenger Motor Freight, a Canadian trucking company whose geography dictates that their drivers run routes through Michigan regularly.

Over the past few decades, Challenger has implemented an ever-expanding set of policies to ensure the highest safety standards, particularly within the mindsets of their drivers. According to an official spokesperson for the company, “Our priority is the well-being of our drivers and the communities we serve. That’s why we’ve invested heavily in training, technology, and support systems to cultivate a safety-centric culture—including inside the heads of our drivers. After all, they’re the ones on the front lines. Their mode of thinking and ability to react well in risky scenarios is what makes the biggest difference in achieving positive outcomes.”

Promoting a ‘Safety-First Mentality’

Challenger Motor Freight’s safety efforts start with training programs. New recruits go through rigorous training, including classroom lessons, simulator sessions, and practical road experience. The training covers safety practices, defensive driving, and the best ways to handle bad weather. Experienced drivers also take regular refresher courses to stay updated on the latest safety rules.

“Our company has long been known for promoting a safety-first mentality among its drivers,” explains the spokesperson. “The reason why it’s at the forefront of our culture is simple: there are well-documented risks associated with long-haul trucking, particularly in the Great Lakes Region, which is where we conduct a lot of our business. For the sake of public safety, as well as that of our drivers, we feel obligated to take every possible measure to prevent accidents.”

Driver Support and Well-being

Challenger also emphasizes a safety-first mindset by prioritizing the well-being of its drivers. The company provides regular health check-ups, mental health resources, and wellness programs to keep drivers in top condition. A company-organized support team is available 24/7 to help drivers tackle the challenges of the road, helping out with emergencies, general questions, and otherwise ensuring they are in prime physical and mental shape to carry out their duties. “The wonderful people that staff our support team have helped our truckers through some pretty tough spots in the past,” comments the spokesperson. “Without delving into specifics, let’s just say it’s safe to assume they’ve prevented more than a few bad situations from getting worse.”

Safety Incentive Programs

To reinforce a safety-oriented mindset, Challenger Motor Freight long ago implemented a series of safety incentive programs. Drivers who adhere to the company’s strict safety rules and maintain clean, accident-free records are rewarded with bonuses, recognition, and other incentives. “These generous programs not only motivate our drivers to focus on safety but also foster a workplace where defensive driving practices are explicitly encouraged,” says the spokesperson, adding, “We believe our drivers are extra diligent because of it, and we have a great deal of internal data backing that up.”

The Role of Technology

Another way Challenger reinforces a safety-first mindset among its drivers is through its use of cutting-edge tech. The company’s fleet is equipped with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) like collision avoidance, lane departure warnings, and automatic braking, which help prevent accidents by alerting drivers in real time. These systems not only protect drivers but also remind them to stay vigilant on the road. “We also use telematics to great effect these days,” states Challenger’s spokesperson. “This technology gives us access to information we couldn’t even dream about only, say, ten years ago. Among other things, it lets us monitor driver behavior while on the road, which gives us a critical window into their mindset regarding safety. For the most part, our drivers perform extremely well, but it also allows us to identify the ones who don’t. When we do, there are a series of corrective steps we take.”

The end result of this multifaceted campaign to encourage a safety-oriented mindset in truck drivers is a more secure road and highway network throughout Michigan, as well as North America generally. Challenger Motor Freight, in pioneering many of these practices, has received acknowledgment from its sister companies in the transportation sector, recently winning an award for safety at a recent industry conference. But that doesn’t mean the company is growing complacent in its efforts. “We remain dedicated to raising the bar,” says the Challenger spokesperson. “Our goal is to continuously set new and higher industry standards.”

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