Organizing Your Company Policies & Procedures

Organizing Your Company Policies & Procedures

Every company needs policies and procedures in order to make sure that there is an effective, efficient and legally compliant route for many of the different situations your team might find themselves in at work. Disorganized procedures and policies can lead to...
How to choose a Patent Lawyer?  

How to choose a Patent Lawyer?  

Protecting Your Invention Even if you have a million dollar idea, you still have to develop, nourish, and protect your design so that your invention can flourish. Applying for a patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is just one step along...
2018’s Fastest-Growing Cities in America

2018’s Fastest-Growing Cities in America

With the Census Bureau reporting that the South held 8 of the 15 cities with the largest population gains in 2017, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2018’s Fastest-Growing Cities in America as well as accompanying videos. To determine...
How Digital Marketing Improves Your Business

How Digital Marketing Improves Your Business

In today’s digital world where literally everything happens on the internet, there’s no way you haven’t heard the term digital marketing. Do you know what it means, however? Digital marketing is a set of strategies employed to help a business grow. It’s most often...