Seismic Activity Detected on Mars

Seismic Activity Detected on Mars

We’ve been studying Mars for decades, first through telescopes from Earth and then through data sent back by a series of rovers. As our closest galactic neighbor, the red planet could hold secrets to the formation of our little blue dot. Until the InSight lander...
Dinosaurs – Keeping  Them Alive Today

Dinosaurs – Keeping  Them Alive Today

History is an important part of life. There is the history of the universe and the planet, the history of the human race, the history of all other living things, and each individuals history. Each of these is equally important and should be given proper respect. It is...
How to Protect Lions from Extinction

How to Protect Lions from Extinction

African lions are majestic creatures, and it’s devastating to know that they are now facing the brink of extinction. They have already been added to the list of endangered species due to their dwindling population. Saving lions and other endangered species from...