SIP Trunking

SIP Trunking

SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol. In layman’s language SIP trunking is a type of technology which allow its users to make voice calls over a data connection. Internet connection is used instead of a traditional phone line to make phone calls. Just like...
Photocopying Machines: Merits and Demerits

Photocopying Machines: Merits and Demerits

A photocopying machine is an electronic appliance that is used in the duplication of a document by producing many copies. There are two types of photocopiers, which are either for small scale or large-scale use. The small-scale type of printer is meant for home...
EаѕеUS Data Rесоvеrу Wizаrd Frее 12.0

EаѕеUS Data Rесоvеrу Wizаrd Frее 12.0

Data rесоvеrу is the рrосеѕѕ оf rеviving dаtа thаt have bееn lоѕt due tо physical dаmаgеѕ likе hаrd drive hеаd сrаѕh, ѕсrаtсhеd, wаtеr-dаmаgеd or broken diѕkѕ and tapes, аnd dеfесtivе mесhаniѕm. Free dаtа recovery refers to frееwаrе or frее software applications оr...
Top Android Spy Apps for Detective Purpose

Top Android Spy Apps for Detective Purpose

Spying is a technique or process through which you can watch the activities of your partner, employee or kids secretly. Below we are listed out some of the best spy apps for your Android smartphone that will make you feel like a detective. These apps will convert your...