Russia Is Strengthening Its Syrian Military Airbase

Stratfor had recently reported that Russia plans on expanding its second military airbase in Syria by sending in more air assets there. This new base is expected to be located towards the southeast of Homs at Shaayrat military base. Russia plans on doing all of this...

The Push To Toughen DUI Laws

Washington state lawmakers have had a successful legislative year. From lowering college tuition to investments in mental health, there is one issue that most would call a failure: toughening DUI laws. The state house is being called out after failing to vote on a...

Judge Orders City To Pay $259K In Libel Suit

One Nebraska town has made headlines after being accused of libel by one of its very own citizens. The city of Lincoln, Nebraska found itself in hot water after one woman sued the city and accused Lincoln’s Crime Stopper’s chapter of slander and libel. It all started...