The mornings are the worst. You wake up (reluctantly) at 6am, smacking the bedside cabinet with a groan until you finally hit the snooze button on your alarm.
Wandering through to the bathroom with a bearlike yawn, you scratch your chest and glare into the mirror. You’ve got the hairstyle of a Neanderthal, the skin tone of a vampire and more spots than an awkward teenager in a Porky’s sequel.
But fear not. You can sort out your beauty options and make them count. And we’ve rounded up a few to help you face those mornings with ease.
Laser-guided beauty
Have you ever been given a bone by a random passer-by, having been mistaken for a shaggy dog? Do you regularly trip over the lengthy strands from your armpits? Do your legs resemble that of a Bigfoots?
If so, you might want to give laser hair removal a try. Shooting some painless lasers into the root of your unwanted follicles, you won’t have to bother shaving your legs after a maximum of six sessions at your local aesthetic clinic.
Perfect for those of you who can’t stand unsightly leg or body hair, a couple of trips to your clinic will let you say goodbye to those razors for good.
Know your superfoods
While living on a diet of Chinese takeaways, Domino’s Pizzas, Dr Noodles and foot-long subs might seem like the diet of THE GODS, it’s not doing your waistline or skin condition any good.
A junk diet will, in the long run, lead to health and weight problems and really won’t help those early morning starts.
You can, however, turn the clock back with a few changes to your diet. Start by consuming superfoods (that’s fruit and veg rich in vitamins and minerals), while also ensuring your protein levels are high with unprocessed foodstuffs.
More than this, learn how to prepare meals you actually enjoy. Mixing in zests of beetroot or lemon juice can, for instance, really add a full flavour to seemingly bland concoctions.
After a while, you won’t even miss those succulent stuffed crust pizzas.
Guzzle your eight a day
So many people seem to live exclusively on fizzy juice and alcohol – you wonder how their skin hasn’t simply given up and tried to malt off.
These people, and you might be one of them, are usually blithely unaware of the harm they’re doing to their bodies. Sleepwalking into poor health, they guzzle Diet Coke like it was going out of fashion and wonder why their stomach feels sore.
Don’t become one of them. Instead, replace that strange brown ooze with a glass of water. Around eight glasses a day will improve your blood circulation, giving you a heathier glow.
So, as you head for your usual mirror mourning morning, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results.