If you’ve grown up in a military house hold or you are familiar with the military lifestyle, you may find it rather appealing. For a military person, honor and respect are pretty important values to these folks, thanks to the hours of training and the strict military code of conduct. You never have to worry about being unemployed, although you may have to deal with periods of being alone while he is away on deployment. Dating military singles and eventually marrying a military person usually depends greatly on where you are located, so if you are truly set on dating a military man, the ideal location to do this would be near a military base.
Step 1. Once you find yourself near a military base, you’ll want to visit the places where these men will probably go to unwind. This includes restaurants, bars, night clubs, and even coffee shops and the gym.
Step 2. If you don’t have much luck at these venues, you could also try online dating websites. These websites allow you to perform keyword searches which will narrow down the pool of eligible military singles. For example, if you type in “marines” into the search bar, you will have a list of men who identify themselves as marines. This valuable tool can greatly increase your chances of finding yourself a military fellow.
Step 3. If you really want to get into the thick of things with a military fellow, what better way to do this than spending a good portion of your day among them. This means you could either get a job or even volunteer your time on the base. You can do this by going to the national website for the military and seeing if there are any civilian based job openings. You could also check with churches, military organizations and singles groups that provide you with opportunities to meet these military men.
Step 4. Network, network, network. Simply by asking your friends, family, and coworkers if they know of any military men who are available, you are putting the word out and they may be able to set you up with someone who would be perfect for you. If all else fails, at least you are getting out there and meeting new people.
Step 5. If out of all of this you do find yourself a military man, you should always ask him if he foresees deployment or a base relocation in the near future. Early on in the relationship, it could be difficult to keep that excitement for one another alive, since you will be spending so much time apart. If your ultimate end-goal is marriage, you will want to take this into consideration, or at the very least make plans on how to make the relationship work while he is away. In any case, communication is essential and it will require dedication, honesty, and trust. If you both are willing to work for it, your military relationship could be quite successful!