New Study Links Lower Body Temperatures to Increased Onset of Alzheimer’s

by | Apr 13, 2016 | Health Featured

One of the most widely publicized but somehow most misunderstood conditions often linked to aging is Alzheimer’s. Although most people understand that one of the most common symptoms of this particular ‘disease’ is dementia, or loss of mental faculties, this isn’t the only problem brought about by Alzheimer’s and the more that is learned about this condition, the more questions are left unanswered. In a new study just released by the University of Laval, there is a direct correlation to a drop in body temperature and the aggravation of this disease.


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Why Decreased Body Temperatures Are Significant

Sometimes Alzheimer’s is jokingly referred to as “Old Timer’s” disease but actually, there is a very good reason for that. While it is sometimes evidenced during middle age, the onset of Alzheimer’s typically appears after the age of 65. Thereafter, the odds of getting Alzheimer’s doubles every five to seven years. What stands out here is the fact that most people, as they age, also are prone to lowered body temperatures.

It could be that they are less active so less likely to see an increase due to more strenuous activities, a more sedentary lifestyle or simply because the hypothalamus gland isn’t working as well as it once had due to age. The study conducted by the University of Laval in Quebec, Canada, substantiated that drops in body temperatures accelerated the onset and symptoms of dementia, the number one symptom of Alzheimer’s.

The Push Is on to Counteract Dementia

While this new evidence suggests that keeping the body’s temperature even and ‘normal,’ it also suggests that there is a real need to battle the most common symptom or condition associated with Alzheimer’s. Since memory loss is a significant problem associated with dementia, more effort is being placed on ways to counteract decreased cognitive processes while increasing mental acuity.

The efficacy of organic sulfur crystals is one treatment that is currently being studied by a number of scientific and medical research bodies around the globe. For years it has been known that MSM, Methylsulfonylmethane, is effective in improving cognition and memory, so this is one avenue that is being explored. This is one nutrient that is lacking in most people for a number of reasons, but most of all because the body cannot manufacture this vital nutrient on its own. It must be inhaled or ingested and that is the real problem. You can learn about organic sulfur crystals and how to increase your intake in order to see just how serious this problem is.

How Reliable Were the Study’s Subjects?

Critics of the study say that the subjects used could call into question the reliability of the outcome. Since transgenic mice were the actual subjects, not humans, there is some concern as to the validity of the study’s outcome. However, in that transgenic mice have some cross-species genetic material in their DNA, proponents of using mice as subjects state empirically that the results are akin to what would have been realized had there been human subjects.

In the end, it was admitted that the mice used also display signs of dementia similar to those in humans. As a result, when dementia was triggered or aggravated by a drop in body temperature, researchers saw the need to research the same tendencies in humans. While not a cure for Alzheimer’s, knowing that body temperature and dementia are linked provides yet one more avenue to explore. This brings hope of finding a cure, once and for all, to this disease that strikes a large percentage of the population in their elder years.