5 Tips for Managing Triggers During Addiction Recovery

by | Nov 21, 2016 | Health Featured

The moment you decide that you want to get rid of your addiction, your recovery has started. Now, recovery is not an easy road. You could say that it is a bumpy ride. There is no straight path; you will slip sometimes but you can manage the triggers so that you reduce that risk.

In the following write up, 5 recovery tips have been outlined that can really help manage triggers during addiction recovery.

1.     Knowing Your Triggers

Some may find this a bit tricky. Triggers can be in many forms. You may pass a bar offering beer or just the stress of routine life. it may take some tome but your will start recognising your triggers eventually. This is an important step because it means you know what is happening and when you know something, it gives you better control.

2.     Planning Beforehand

After you have identified your triggers, you can start planning ahead to avoid them, for example, you may know that alcohol will be served at a wedding, or that there is a bar during my way home or that you have been stressed. Knowing this information, you can pre-plan to how you will overcome.

3.     Thinking Rationally

When you come across triggers, you will have to deal with urges. It can be difficult to control them but it is not impossible. A person who is trying to recover must motivate themselves rather feel pessimistic. Don’t thing you can’t fight but remember why you decided to recover.

4.     Get Distracted

Sometimes, it may not be possible to avoid trigger situations. In such an event, plan to distract yourself with other healthy activities.  Make a list of healthy activities that you can do when you come across a trigger and feeling an urge. When you are busy doing something healthy like reading a book, exercise or swimming, you won’t have time to think about the urge.

5.     Staying Healthy

Fighting triggers and urges requires strength; both mental and physical. Therefore, make sure that you are eating and sleeping well. you will have a better chance at staying consistent with your recovery if you have the strength to fight your addiction.

Remember HALT; Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired. If you are taking care of yourself, you will easily be able to recognise when you are feeling any four of those. This allows you to take action instead of reacting. You will do something to remedy the situation rather react to the trigger.

Recovery process is never easy. It is better to involve your friends and family on your road to recovery because this way there will be someone else to support you when you feel weak and don’t have strength to fight. Keep reminding yourself of the reason as to why you decided to recover and when you can’t do this, your support system in the form of friends and family will help you to remember your reason to start and your goals.