Toronto, Ontario — Toronto Cosmetic Clinic (TCC), a Canadian cosmetic plastic surgery and non-surgical clinic located in the heart of Toronto, offers a wide range of fat transfer procedures in areas of the body that include the breasts, buttocks, cheeks, lips, hips, and hands.
Fat transfer procedures, which are also commonly called fat grafting, autologous fat transplantation and microlipoinjection, are touted as a safer and more natural alternative to traditional implants. Fat transfer has been used for a number of years in breast augmentation and butt enhancement procedures and is also recommended for breast cancer survivors who have undergone a single or double mastectomy.
Fat transfer has gained popularity in recent years because it is essentially two procedures in one. By removing unwanted fat from an area and injecting it into another area, patients are able to get more shape in contour in the donor area and an enhancement in the injection area.
Dr. Mansour Bendago, Toronto Cosmetic Clinic’s fat transfer specialist, performs two types of fat transfer procedures, the smaller refined area fat transfer and the larger wide area.
For minor or small area fat injections, patients receive local anesthesia in the two areas, the “donor” site from which fat will be removed, and the “recipient” site where the fat will be re-injected. Then a small needle is attached to a syringe to extract the necessary amount of fat from the donor area.
Before the fat is reintroduced into the patient’s body, excess fluid is removed. The fat is then injected into the recipient area and the procedure is repeated until the desired results are achieved.
For larger areas or more comprehensive procedures, such as breast augmentation or Brazilian Butt Lifts, the small syringe approach is ineffective. For these more nuanced procedures, the fat that is used during the transfer is extracted through liposuction under general anesthetic.
For fat transfer procedures, Toronto Cosmetic Clinic uses Body Jet technology utilizing the AquaShape technique. This involves first using an advanced liposuction method called WAL (Water Assisted Liposuction) to safely remove the fat. Because water is central to this technique of fat removal, it ensures that fat cells are cushioned and preserved to be transferred. By using this method, there is a higher success rate and less chance of the fat cells dying off. This method is also less invasive and gentler on one’s body.
These fat transfer techniques are ideal for people looking for more natural results, while still having a plump and youthful appearance.
As part of the clinic’s ongoing effort to make plastic surgery accessible for everyone, Toronto Cosmetic Clinic offers convenient financing tools. There is also a free consultation for potential patients, where they can meet Toronto Cosmetic Clinic’s doctor and ask about any questions or concerns they may have.
For more information, feel free to visit Toronto Cosmetic Clinic’s website here or here.