Moms: Teaching Your Child How To Handle Your Arthritic Pug

by | Jul 2, 2017 | Health Featured

If your family has been blessed to have a pug be a part of your family, you already know how much pugs love to play and how well they behave around small children. While pugs are active when they’re younger, as they age, they are at a high risk for muscle and structural issues that can greatly affect their mobility. It’s important that your entire family, especially your small children, learn how to cope and handle a pug with a mild to severe disability. Here are few ways that you as a mom can help guide and teach your child the right way to handle your pug.

Talking To Your Vet

Have you noticed that your pug is now having trouble climbing stairs? Or maybe you’re noticing he’s in a lot of significant pain on a daily basis. The first step is to set up an appointment with your pug’s vet. During the exam, your vet may recommend blood work and a complete diagnostic work up to help make a precise diagnosis. Some common canine mobility issues include:

  • *Arthritis or inflammation of the joints
  • *Pinched nerves
  • *Nerve degeneration
  • *Torn ligament or injury
  • *Muscle weakness
  • *Cancer
  • *Muscle or bone disease

Conditions that mimic dog arthritis symptoms could be normal degeneration of the spine or a more significant issue, such as a tumor. Once you have an affirmative diagnosis, ask your vet how your pug should be treated and handled going forward. In addition, share these care tips with your child. This will help the entire family be aware of how to properly care for your older pug.

Explaining Physical Changes

In most cases, your child will easily be able to recognize that your pug is demonstrating visible physical changes. This could include limping, lack of movement or whimpering. But questions may arise as to why your beloved pet is slowing down or feeling hurt. Explaining that these changes are because of your pug’s aging body may help your child understand that this is a normal facet of life. Mentioning that a limp or slowed movement can be similar to a human injury is also another way to explain what some of the physical signs that your pet is experiencing are.

Learning By Example

Showing more compassion and extra care with your arthritic pug is the best way for your child to learn how to treat his dog. While being a working mom does take a lot of your time, ask your child to help out with pet care so that he can become familiar with your pet’s needs and the significance of the handicap. More gentle care and no more rough play are essential when it comes to making sure injuries and physical impairments with your pug don’t progress or worsen. Softening the touch and carrying your pug up the stairs or long distances are things you should teach your child how to do safely and effectively. This teaches your child compassion and educates them on how to be more diligent with an older pet.

Explaining Mobility Devices

In some cases, if your pug was injured or has a progressive leg or spinal condition, he may need a K-9 cart or wheel-assisted device. This may appear to be a toy to some smaller children. Explain that this is their mobility device and they need it to be able to stretch their muscles or need more support in order to walk properly. Showing them to not pull on the device or take pieces off is important at retaining a safe cart and effective ride for your pug.

If you’re like many moms, teaching your child about pet care is an important part of daily life. Keep your pet happy and your child considerate about all members of the family, including the furry ones.