World’s Most Eco-Friendly Cities

World’s Most Eco-Friendly Cities

Where are the greenest cities in the world? Who rides the most bikes, has the cleanest air, uses the least coal and produces the least waste? While experts disagree about who should claim the No. 1 spot – some say Copenhagen, Denmark, while others argue that it could...
One Night in London

One Night in London

What’s the secret to a good night out in London? Well, we think it’s a combination of things, including getting the most out of your limited time, getting the best value possible, and being with people you love. It sounds pretty simple and, thanks to London’s vast and...
Should You Rent a Car for a Road Trip?

Should You Rent a Car for a Road Trip?

A road trip can be a really great experience. You can see all kinds of things, stay in a different town every night, and have all kinds of crazy adventures! Road trip style vacations are generally more popular with couples or groups of friends, because with a family...
Four Countries With The Toughest DUI Laws

Four Countries With The Toughest DUI Laws

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a common issue in many cities worldwide. It has been the major cause of deaths among adults who are on the road traveling to their destinations. Unfortunately while DUI laws are now in place, the problem persists. The Center for...

Four Ways To Travel The World For Less

Flights booked, car rented, accommodation sorted, Visas acquired–now what!? Sorting out the actual travel part is easy, especially with all the online assistance and apps out there today giving us suggestions on how to book and where to stay. There are so many...