Is Living on Mars a Future Possibility?

Is Living on Mars a Future Possibility?

Scientists have long been exploring the possibility of life on other planets and the ability of humans to live there one day too. There may come a time when earth is uninhabitable in many ways and having a backup planet to go to would be beneficial. In particular,...
Why Was Toxic Algae Everywhere This Summer?

Why Was Toxic Algae Everywhere This Summer?

Bacteria often proliferate in stagnant, warm bodies of water, which is sometimes a part of natural ecosystems. Other times, however, this development can be harmful to humans, animals and plants. Toxic algae blooms are a recurring problem that could get worse if...
Simple Tips To Enrich Your Overall Well-Being

Simple Tips To Enrich Your Overall Well-Being

Staying healthy is an important part of living a happy life, but there’s more to a satisfying life than clean dietary choices.  Protecting your health should be a holistic venture.  You have to consider all levels of “health” to find true balance. If you’re looking...
Can Dogs Sense PTSD?

Can Dogs Sense PTSD?

It’s safe to say that dogs are pretty incredible. According to a survey done by the American Veterinary Medical Association, there were around seventy-seven million dogs in American households at the end of 2016. To quote a cliché, dogs are “man’s best friend” and for...
How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Thought to have originated from the French phrase “joindre les deux bouts de l’an” — which means to make both ends of the year meet — doing so financially is the goal of every household budget ever crafted. Meanwhile, the rising prices of goods and services seem to...